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(c) Copyright Painton Cowen 2008

Chartres Cathedral

w. 21 (Delaport 45)

The Story of St Julien the Hospitalier


30. The death of Julien and his wife


29. His wife holds a light ...

27. Christ appears on the river bank

28.... while J ferries Christ across

25. They welcome two travellers


26. Washing the travellers' feet

 23. They embark

22. He goes away, his wife following

 24. They build a hospital by a river

21. He burries his parents

 19. Meets his wife and learns he has killed his parents

20. He mourns his parents

17. He arrives at the gate of his castle


18. He kills a man and woman sleeping together

15. J sleeps in his tent

14. At the gate of a town

16. A servant brings his horse

12. J goes to war

11. The wedding feast

13. J at war

9 the lord's death


10 J's marriage

8 J waits on his lord who is dyng

6 J waits on his employers

7. receives his sceptre

4. Julien's family on the road


5. Julien's family leave him with a teacher

1. Donors: joiners

3 Donors: carpenters

2. Donors: cartwrights