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(c) Copyright Painton Cowen 2008

Chartres Cathedral

w. 36 (10 Delaport)

Date: C13

St. Apollinaire; The Angelic Hierarchy

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36. Angels

35. Christ in Majesty

37. Angels

32. Thrones with sceptres

33. Cherubims with 3 pairs of wings

34. Seraphims

29. Powers with swords

30. Virtues with sceptres

31. Dominations with crowns

26. Angels with censers

27. Archangels with shields

28. Principalities holding a book

23. A is beaten at the gates of Ravenna

24. The funeral of Apollinaire

25.Tha faithful attend

20. An angel visits A in prison

21. A prays; the temple of Apollo falls

22. witnesses to the miracle

17. A meets Rufus

18. Revives Rufus' child

19. A before a judge

14. A baptises the family of the tribune

15. A with a companion in a boat

16.Exocises a demon

11. Apollinaire heals a child

12.A before the military tribune at Ravenna

13.A heals the tribune's wife

C14 grisailles of Canon Thierry, portrayed in the centre kneeling before a statue of the Virgin. Other saints include Radegonde, Cyr, Juliette, Maur, Sulpice Mathurin, Lifart