Searching by subject - Religious subjects

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709 Angelic Hierarchy
710 Angels
701 Apostles (group)
709 Archangels
401 Childhood of Christ
103 Christ
802 Devils
703 Ecclesiastics
717 Elders of the Apocalypse
702 Evangelists (group)
100 God the Father
200 Old Testament - figures
102 Holy Spirit
805 Last Judgement
500 Life / Cycle of the Virgin
401.1 Life of Christ
401.4 Miracles
710 Musician Angels
401.002 Nativity cycle
401 New Testament
807 Typological subjects
401.5 Parables
401.3 The Passion to the Resurrection
600 Saints
810 Seven Acts of Mercy
811 Seven Deadly Sins
812 Seven Sacraments
813 Te Deum
814 Ten Commandments
816 The Tree of Jesse
101 Trinity
815 Vices and Virtues